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Top 3 Sites

Makena Beach and Golf Resort

I like this site becuase it was well organized and has easy access to everything. It has very easy navigation and it is easy to read.
I t is not distracting at all and you can even book a vacation right from the home page. It has a nice header and at the top and some good pictures on the side.
On the home page it simply tells you breifly about the island a little bit aobut the rooms, resuarants, and accomodations of the hotel but there are links on the top
for further pages of information on every aspect of the resort.

Turtle Bay Resort

I like this site for its appeal. It has a nice little video on home page right in the middle that gives you and overview of the resort.
Along with the video, it has good navigation on the top and pictures with the navigation on the bottom. It has good pictures, it is easy to read,
and overall just has good contrast and appeal.

Manuna Lani Bay

I like this website because it is simple and they don't over do anything. It has a simple background and the text is good.
The navigation at the top is good and it even tells you the temperature in hawaii at the top. On the home page there is also a slide show of a few
pictures about what the resort offers for you. It has a good header and and navigation is split into good categories.

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